Adult Information Class

The Adult Information Class (AIC) is a 15-week video course on the basic teachings of Christianity taught by Pastor Lassman. This is a safe, non-threatening environment to learn about the meaning and importance of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Christian church.  Here is the opportunity to have your questions answered concerning the spiritual/religious aspects of life. Pastor Lassman promises an enjoyable and beneficial learning experience.

All videos are available on a USB Flash drive.  Please contact Pastor Lassman for more information.

Adult Information Class Introduction

Lesson 1: Christ and the Bible

Lesson 2 - God and Creation

Lesson 3 -  Angels and Sin

Lesson 4 - Lesson 4: The Ten Commandments Part 1

Lesson 5 - Lesson 4: The Ten Commandments Part 2

Lesson 6 - Jesus Christ Part 1

Lesson 7 - Jesus Christ Part 2

Lesson 8 - The Holy Spirit

Lesson 9 - Justification

Lesson 10 - Holy Baptism

Lesson 11 - The Lord's Supper

Lesson 12 - The Church

Lesson 13 - Prayer

Lesson 14: The Last Things

Lesson 15: Review and Discussion