
Reconciling Conference

Presented at the Pastors' Conference in Wenatchee, Washington October 21-23, 2003.

Team Ministry: The Pastor and the People

You're welcome to read Pastor Lassman's paper that he presented for the Puget Sound Pastor's Conference at Harrison Hot Springs in October 2000, with many references to Messiah's own practices.

The Church Growth Movement and Lutheran Worship

This paper was first presented at British Columbia Pastors' Conference October 16-18, 1995. It was later published in the Concordia Theological Quarterly, Volume 62: Number 1 January 1998.

1 Corinthians 11:29 — "Discerning the Body" and its Implications for Close(d) Communion

This paper was originally published in "Logia" in Epiphany, 1994 Volume. Reprinted in "A Reader in Pastoral Theology" by Concordia Theological Seminary Press in 2002.

1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and the Ordination of Women

Published in the Theological Observer section of Concordia Theological Quarterly, 1992, Volume 56, Number 4.

Augsburg Confession VII: An Unnecessary Controversy

This article was first published in Concordia Theological Quarterly, Vol. 44, Number 1, Jan. 1980 pp. 59-61. Click here for a pdf version of this article (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Adult Information Class Presentation Fall 2006

Adult Information Class Presentation at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Fall 2006 Click here for a pdf version of this article Supplemental info on handouts used in the AIC. Supplemental info on resources used in the AIC. (These require Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Supplemental info on handouts used in the AIC.

Supplemental info on resources used in the AIC.